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newborn photography

Prepare for a Newborn Photography Session

My name is Hannah DeHart and I am a local Houston photographer. Check out my photography blogs and website to see if I can serve you!

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Newborn Photography Session Outfit Coordination Tips

Hi there! I am here to help you feel ready for your newborn photography session! First off, congratulations on your new sweet bundle of joy! What a special season to enter into. You won’t regret choosing to invest in having a newborn session. Speaking of bundle, I recommend wrapping your precious baby and swaddling them as this helps bring the true look of a fresh, tiny baby. : ) If you have an outfit you love, we could also take some in that as well. When it comes to colors, I ALWAYS say, “When in doubt, neutral it out.” I recommend finding a neutral or muted color palette that you enjoy, and picking colors based off of that along with some neutrals tied in.

Outfit Coordination Continued: Patterns, Textures, Colors

If you choose to have patterns, I recommend that only one person has them with every group of 4 and that they are neutral/subtle so that they aren’t distracting. If your patterns are multi-colored, you can use that outfit to tie in the colors of the rest of the colors. For example, if your dress has tan, green, and navy blue in it, you can use this to choose a that shade of green for another person’s top/outfit and so on. Something to be aware of is that checkered patterns that are smaller than a quarter can cause something caused chromatic aberration.

I also recommend avoiding bright reds/oranges and neon colors as these colors sometimes reflect color onto your skin. Here is a Pinterest board that I have created that may help guide you with your outfit choices. Something you may notice on this board, is that many of the women have flowier dresses on. This is a great go to for a mama to feel comfortable and confident! You also may see that the groups of people have someone with a textured outfit on as well as possibly someone with a pattern. This helps add lots of character and can make the photos pop.

Preparing your Home

I encourage you to move extra items off of counter tops, dressers, etc. so that the background of your images look simple and clean so that you remain the center of attention in the photo. I also recommend taking your newborn photos in a room with the most windows/natural light. You can take some in the baby’s nursery as it does set the vibe and document beautiful details, but choosing to take photos in a room with natural light will bring images that glow and most likely match the portfolio you are seeing online.

Mentally Preparing for your Newborn Photography Session

Last but not least, mentally prepare yourself that a newborn session is going to look different than ones you may have experienced before! Of course, I recommend making sure you feed and change the baby’s diaper beforehand, but it’s okay if your baby gets fussy. It is inevitable that breaks will be needed to take care of the baby’s needs, so just know that it is normal and worth having lots of patience and grace.

I also wanted to encourage mamas who may be feeling insecure after delivering. You are beautiful and GLOWING! Of course you aren’t going to look like you used to pre-baby. The purpose of this session is to document the tiny bundle of joy YOU brought into this earth, to look back and remember how small your baby was and how much love was and is surrounding you and your family. Wear something that you feel comfortable and confident in and remember that you are a beloved mama.

Thank you so much!

Thank you for reading this blog and for supporting Amato Photography. I would love to document you and your family. If you are in need of a newborn photography session, let’s connect!

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  1. […] prepare your space, and so on. If you are wondering how I do that, here is an example of one of the blogs I share with my clients. The other beautiful thing about a lifestyle photography session is that it […]

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